Resist & Win!

Resist & Win is a mass training and mobilization program for emerging community leaders and activists who want to do everything they can to end GOP control of the House of Representatives and build progressive power in 2018 and beyond.

Welcome to Resist & Win

Welcome to Resist & Win

To end GOP control of the house and resist Trump’s toxic agenda, we are organizing and training MoveOn members to mobilize locally—because we need everybody to take action if we want to see real, lasting change happen.

  • Members will have the opportunity to get trained up on movement-building, the essentials of campaign strategy, and grassroots organizing from experts across the country, and put what they learn into action by hosting a series of grassroots voter contact events (which we’re calling Volunteer Waves!).
  • And it won’t stop on Election Day. After Election Day, we’ll switch gears and immediately begin to hold our newly elected representatives accountable. We’ll also work together to debrief our learnings and determine what comes next.

What you’ll be doing